Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hey all... :D

Hey fellow bloggers!!!

We are 'Bud, Budd n Buddy', and we're here to blog about the environment!

Now before you'll yawn and conclude that it's going to be yet another dose on environment, conservation and loads of technicalities and science, let me tell you that we are here to post day-to-day issues relevant to nature. Nothing that we post here is going to be ASKING YOU to do something for the planet! NO NO. It's just going to be a matter-of-fact  blog relevant to the environment. More a personal experience, than a lecture; more opinionated, than objective. We're here to say things as we see it around us.

Of course, comments are welcome by one and all. Insights also, if you may!

So just read on and keep commenting!!!

Healthy Living!!! :D


  1. blog some thing about how you- uniquely planned to help the environment

  2. Hoping for some interesting reads in here :D
